Looking For Nice Easy Beginner Plant


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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I recently purchased my first real plant - a JAVA FERN attached to bog wood. I love its movement compared to my plastic and silk plants.
I think I will eventually go the whole hog and replace all my fake plants for real ones.
I have spent last few days looking through peoples planted journals and some of them are amazing - awe inspiring.
I will stay low tech and looking for another nice easy beginner plant, I have been looking at BRAZILIAN PENNYWORT - and this appears ideal. I don't know how easy it is to acquire though. (AM IN THE UK)
Is this a good plant to get? if I  cant are there any just as easy alternatives? 
I have bored my wife with my countless questions about plants so thought I would ask the experts.
Next time I will look closer at other threads, apologies ncguppy has a similar thread just below mine!
seen advice on there and will research
There's loads to choose from, as long as you dose fertilisers and your lights are not too bright they will be OK.

These are just a few to chose from-

Anubis ( various types)
Cardamine lytara
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Cryptocoryne (various types)
Rotala wallichii
Echinodorus (various types)
Various mosses
Hygrophila (various types)
Anubias is just as easy as java fern, easier in my opinion.  Crypts are super easy and one of my favs. I would say that java fern, anubias, crypts, and moss are definitely your best bet to start off with, and you can do quite a bit with them as well!!! pics, pics pics!!
Thanks for the replies, been researching all afternoon.
After i decide which plant(s) to get will add pics might even have a go at doing a journal!
thanks again
In my amateur opinion, the Java Fern is difficult to kill, but stays dormant for long period so wont fill the tank quickly, but Anubias Nana will send out shoots quicker
from when you first purchase it.
^Agreed. Java ferns are easy to keep but in my experience my anubias grew quicker as well.

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