Looking For Extremely Low-Tech Plants.


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2012
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I have a ten gallon, and I need some plants that don't need added CO2. I have a 15 watt bulb with gravel substrate. The only plant that's thrived in my tanks is cryptocorne wendtii, so something with similar care is nice. Thanks for the help!
How big is your tank? I have a low light tank as well. I have java fern's, java moss, crypts, hornwort, rotala, star grass, and a few others.
I love crypts! They've always thrived in my tanks as well. Another low light plant you can add to your list is most (if not all) of the Anubias variety. They can be attached to things like Java Ferns can.
I also have a low tech tank, I have vallisneria that love sending out shoots all over the place & grow very tall which I let create a shaded area for hiding & my dwarf gourami in one corner. But in a 10 G you'd have to do alot of pruning so it doesn't take over once it gets well established.
Java fern seems to adapt quickly, didn't face a meltdown and is now going crazy, shooting new leaves out of anywhere it can, including the leaves themselves. I have a quite low lighting for a 30 cm tall aquarium of 76L (20 gal): 18 W so that's less than 1 watt per gallon.
No CO2 or ferts either.
Though still watching the plant, it's only been here for about a month.

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