Look Who's Here!


Fish Crazy
Jul 2, 2015
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YAY! They just arrived via FedEx! All five are alive and active (they're nocturnal, and this is their sleep time, but I'm disturbing them). I've got them on a drip-acclimation with their heat pack under the bucket to keep it warm while the waters mix. I've also already got the second power filter running in the 20-gallon, and plants EVERYWHERE with one slate-cave set up. I was hoping my actual PLECO caves would be here long before now, but it's fine. I'll put them in as soon as they show up.
Still in the bag and styrofoam insulation

First one to sit still for a moment in the bucket

Another bucket-pic:

I may or may not get pics once they are in the tank. The tank sits down on the lower level of the stand between my couch and the wall. Only a small part sticks out past the couch. And since they are nocturnal, they may get in there, hide, and go to sleep right away. If that's the case, I probably can't get pics of them in the tank. But if I do, I'll post them!
Beautiful little guys.
What are they exactly?
L002 Panaqolus or L046 Hypancistrus Zebra or something like that?
Enjoy.they are great looking fish.
Ch4rlie said:
Beautiful little guys.
What are they exactly?
L002 Panaqolus or L046 Hypancistrus Zebra or something like that?
The elusive, expensive, and no-longer-imported L046!
Excellent choice, had a feeling these might have been the zebras and these are expensive but worth it ;)

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