Long Day


Moved On
Feb 7, 2012
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Well, yesterday morning,(1:30a.m.), was answering a w/c call when the nightmare came true. I heard the drip, drip, drip of a leak. My 55gal. had leaked about five gallons on the floor. First thought check the filters, fine. Next look for cracks, nope. Silicone failure in one corner at the bottom of the tank. Second hand tank, and I have had it two years now.
So by three a.m. all plants and fish are in five gallon buckets. All the sand as well. And the tank is now in the hall bathtub. Of course earlier in the evening two of my Angels had thier first spawn.
A lovely, wide open day at work. With only one thing on my mind, My Fish! After work a stop at a local petshop. Got two 20gal. high tanks, not my favorite tank, but it was an emergancy, and they were on sale.
So at 7p.m. the tanks were set up, everything put back in, no losses! And I get to relax at last.
Today, it's getting down to fixing the big tank. I have been putting off breaking it down and moving it, guess I have to now. I am proud it didn't happen while I was at work.
So in one shot I have doubled my tanks again. Started with one, doubled to two, doubled to four. I don't think Mrs. doodle will let me double it again any time soon.
Sounds like a horrible day, I'd be pretty unhappy if it was me D:
Sounds like you're having my kind of bad luck! :(
lrhodes said:
Sounds like you're having my kind of bad luck! :(
Decided years ago, I have the luck of a dead frog.

On the bright side, I will have at least one free tank. Now what to do with it?
Tongue_Flicker said:
Make a frog vivarium haha
I think not. Just not much for frogs.

Well, spliting everyone up has helped in some ways, and caused fresh problems in others.
Mama and Daddy Angel are in one tank with one Bolivian and the eight Bronze corys. The Angel eggs didn't fare so well in the move. Shame about the corys, five of them were born in the big tank.
The other two Angels, the other Bolivian, and the Peppered corys are in the other tank. Only time I have ever seen the Peppers shoal all together.
Well a four foot tank wasn't big enough for two male Bolivians, and one was becoming a jackass toward the corys. A big no-no in my tank. Now they are both fine.
But as the tanks are shorter than my big tank, my Amazon swords are a bit cramped.

As to what to do with the 20's, awful tanks, but good if I use one as a spawning tank for the Angels, or even the corys. I might just move my Betta and neons into one. Running out of room for stem plant cuttings in his 10. Or I might just use it as an experiment tank. For plants and aquascaping, not fish.

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