Lone Male Or Girlfriends?


May 23, 2012
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I am wanting to get a dwarf gourami male, but I am not sure if he'd be happy as the only member of his species in the tank... would it be kinder to get him a pair of girl gouramis as well or are they quite happy as solitary fish?
I have a single male who seems fine on his own. He's definitely the boss fish in the tank though (he's also the largest). I did start with a male & female but he bullied the female after the first couple of days and really damaged her fins so I ended up taking her back to the lfs where I bought her. If you do go for more than one then maybe wise to go for 1 male and at least 2 females? I'm sure someone else will advise you shortly.
i'd add 2 dwarf males. I have them and they are happy as can be. They are sold as a pair quite often. They are lone fish but they like each others company as they are the same species.
You must be one of the lucky ones. You read of so many cases where 2 male dwarf gouramis fight. Just because they are the same species it doesn't mean they'll get on - you only have to look as male bettas for an example of the same species not getting on.
Of course, it also depends what size tank you have yours in. The larger the tank, the more likely you are to get away with having 2 males.

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