Lighting Advice


Mostly New Member
Jul 12, 2013
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I have just picked up an Aquael 210 litre corner fish tank and it seems the lighting unit doesn't work at all, I have been told the bulbs are fine. 
I have no idea about aquarium lighting and I cannot seem to find anywhere that sells that unit anymore.
Is it possible to completely replace the lighting with something else?
If so does anyone have any links to any lighting kits or just some good advice please.
Many thanks
I would contact Aquael and find out if they can help you?
Failing that taking the lights to your LFC they might be able to work out if its a connection problem or a just a broken transformer not suppying the feed?
I've seen people buy LED's and mount them directly into the housing and using the space where the old T5-8 bulbs used to be.
Hmm, well a replacement unit turns out to be quite expensive, something I just don't have that type of money for right now. 
2 local fish shops both tried new tubes and said it was the unit and didn't go further than that, I could just replace the ballast unit and see what happens, however I have decided to replace the 2 x T5/24W tubes with 3 LED strips. 
Hopefully will be an improvement or at least equal light.
Let us know how the LEDs go. Otherwise I would return the tank and get one with lighting that works. 
However, if you just want the lights for viewing purposes the LEDs should work fine. 

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