Lfs - What Happens To The Fish That Won't Sell?


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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I'm just wondering.  What do LFS do with the fish they can't shift?
Sometimes I see a tank of fish with really tatty fins and I think, "they'll never sell," then a while later the tank is cleared and full of nice new fish.  Did the fish really sell or what happened to them?
That depends on each individual fish department I would assume. 
Yes, that would depend. While I am sure there are some that cull the fish I know here they will either discount it so much that people will buy it even in the less than attractive condition or put it in a hospital tank in the back. Many aquarists enjoy nursing a fish back to health so the ratty guys sell more often than you might think.
The LFS I got my gudgeons from pretty much ran out of males right after I got there, but on subsequent visits there were still a few females, some with curved spines (!), though on my most recent visit there was only one left that looked pretty healthy. This is maybe a few months, at least since April.
  So this LFS keeps the fish until they all get sold.
At my lfs, and at a local petco, they have a hospital tank where they put all the sick tropical fish pretty much until they're either well enough to put back in the main tanks, or until they die.  At least that's what it looks like, as far as I've seen.
Ours at Pets at Home just sit there until sold. Either that or they perish, I throw the tatty one in for cheap or in most cases they get better quite rapidly. There was a male betta that a colleague had put in with some x-ray tetras, needless to say they shredded his fins so he was basically nude - I put him into his own tank and he's been there for a year now, same amount of time I've worked there but needless to say his fins are back to normal, just needs a home still :p I've grown quite attached!
Actually, you'll be pretty shocked what people will buy!! But a lot of the time.... if its a fish that no one knows what to do with and someone comes in and offers it a home, most time shops are pleased for them to just go!
Except for things like big plecs and catfish etc that cost an arm and a leg to feed, especially when they have been dumped on the shop... shops got to charge something to cover the food costs!
Some fish just sit in shops forever...

Like poor Mr Trigger who I really need to name! Been around for 4 years and seriously does nothing to help me as he likes to bite the head off anything that is put in with him or he is put in with. Even been added to an established 1600L boisterous tank, he went all homicidal.
Yet loves to do tricks like balancing and stacking half cockle shells inside each other on top of his rock... and having his side tickled with the feeding pipette (don't trust him with my fingers tbh!!)
But he is so eye catching and people love him!! *sigh* just not enough to buy him his own tank. Seriously.. who the heck wants an Oscar when you can have this guy!? Marine Fish Only is so easy to maintain and he is far prettier and more entertaining!! I would have him in a heartbeat! Just... gets... kinda big....

Sophie, I want you to get that betta :D how have you resisted thus far?

MBOU - how big will he get? He sounds an awesome chap. Hey, Christmas isn't too far away?....... Just keep 'em sweet with the occasional toad in the hole :D
Shelster said:
Sophie, I want you to get that betta
how have you resisted thus far?

MBOU - how big will he get? He sounds an awesome chap. Hey, Christmas isn't too far away?....... Just keep 'em sweet with the occasional toad in the hole
+ 1 
Shelster said:
Sophie, I want you to get that betta
how have you resisted thus far?

MBOU - how big will he get? He sounds an awesome chap. Hey, Christmas isn't too far away?....... Just keep 'em sweet with the occasional toad in the hole
With a baby due in 18 days and in the middle of moving house - thats how I've resisted :p
Awe, there's still time :D I set up my 54 litre in January and my third was born the end of, go for it :D

Good luck with the birth - exciting times xx
Just discovered that Mr Trigger is actually Mrs Triggerfish now!! Never really thought to check but males don't have stripes on their face!!
So I clearly have a little psychotic little lady! Got to think of a good name for her!!
I just don't have the space... she will eventually hit near enough the 12" mark :( that said, anything would be better than her current tank! I would stick her in the sump but I honestly cant trust her not to chew on the many pump cables in there and fry herself!
I'd call her Happy.  Trigger Happy... geddit?!
Or shall I leave now lol
I couldn't face it... she needs a name like... Martha or something... or Mildred haha
Random fact... my dog was called 'Happy' when we adopted her from The Dogs Trust :) She was one of a litter of seven hehe! Happy of course didn't stick but she was also only 12 weeks old and so she became Bella :) (We were originally going to go with Dopey but we decided we had to boisterous a household for such a shy puppy)

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