So over the past while I have noticed that LED lights are becoming a lot more popular in aquariums.
I'm planning on getting a Betta for my office, and I want to add some live plants, and I was wondering if LED lights will help the plants grow? I know there's a specific spectra that plants need, but I'm not exactly sure what that is or if LED lights have said spectra...
There is a lot of natural light in my office (An entire wall of windows) So I'm also wondering how much light aquatic plants should get a day, as I don't want to have an algae problem.
I'm planning on getting a Betta for my office, and I want to add some live plants, and I was wondering if LED lights will help the plants grow? I know there's a specific spectra that plants need, but I'm not exactly sure what that is or if LED lights have said spectra...
There is a lot of natural light in my office (An entire wall of windows) So I'm also wondering how much light aquatic plants should get a day, as I don't want to have an algae problem.