L129 Fry! Help!


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
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I've had a trio of wild L129 for around a year I've just spotted a few fry in the back of a cave with Dad! Not sure how long they've been there but they're around 0.5 cm and no sign of egg sack, look perfectly formed. I've never breed plecs, or anything else for that matter (though just noticed my apisto  bitaeniata is protecting fertalised eggs!) so was hoping someone would be able to give me any pointers...
Few questions I have first up...
Should I leave them in the cave with Dad? And if I should move them where should I move them to? I have another tank with the 2 apisto in, they're currently in a 260lt with 6 discus, 5 cory, 20 black neon tetra and a L128 7".
Should I be feeding anything else to usual? Saying this I've never seen the parents eat either! If so where would I put it, in the cave?
Will shining a light in to get a look at them upset them or Dad?
Thank in advance!!!
Pic is Mum!


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don't put him in with apistos that are spawning because the apistos will be disturbed and their spawning will be disturbed.
try to feed them blanched spinach or zucchini. they love blanched veggies, plus put a bit of driftwood to make sure they get enough fibre
L129 is a Hypancistrrus. While this species is omnivorous, it has a preference for meat. However, as fry they do need regular veggies moreso than when older but their diet should be balanced towards meaty food.
Feeding Omnivore. They still seem to prefer meaty foods such as blood worms, gammarus or brine shrimps. Commercially prepared food such as Spirulina tabs are also eaten.
from http://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=211
Most fry are menu items for the other fish in most display tanks. When the dad knows there is a lot of danger around, he will try to keep the free swimmers in the cave longer than normal. It is believed this is done to give them some chance to get bigger and have a better chance to make it. Apistos will likely read the menu as will almost any other fish into whose mouth a pleco fry might fit.
If you are interested in saving the majority of the fry you will really need a separate tank for them. This can either be a growout tank or else you can set up a species tanks in which the parents can spawn and the fry be allowed to grow out. For a growout tank the trick is to move the entire cave, with the dad too, into the growout tank just about the time the are close to free swimming. Allow the dad to remain in this tank for a week or 10 days after the fry emerge. Feed him well and let him rest up for the next go around which should happen not too long after you return him and the cave to the main tank. Try to return the cave to the same place from which it was removed.

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