Kribs And Adding Fish...


New Member
Aug 3, 2012
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hi all

Again, i would love to get some help and advice from you guys.

the first thing is that my kribensis have started acting very aggressive which i realise must be down to them beginning to mate. they've made a den under my log which is in the middle of my tank and defending it quite vigourously. the thing is, is that they've now been acting like this for over a week and not sure if they've laid their eggs or what. the females belly is still very red which i thought was a sign that she hadn't laid them yet?

now comes the second question. if the female hasnt laid the eggs yet, could i redecorate the fish tank with the fish being so territorial? especially with them having thier den in the middle of the tank and i dont want to move anything just in case the eggs are under the log.

and the third question.... i was wanting to add a few more fish to the tank. my fish tank is l-80cm w-30cm h-40cm, 90litres or 23.5 US gallons my filter is 600L/H All pond solutions and i have gravel at the bottom with a constant water temp of around 25-26C. i have 2 kribs, 2 blue rams, 1 flying fox and 6 rosy barbs. i was considering adding 5 scissortail or more barbs, like green,tiger or albino barbs.
please let me know your thoughts guys


The females will still show red after laying eggs. Don't rearrange your tank, unless you're positive there are no fry or eggs. Finally, your tank is at capacity in my opinion. The rosy barbs have the potential to be large fish, 6"+. So I would suggest giving the kribs a few more days maybe 5, to see if they spawned, and don't add anything unless you get a larger tank.

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