Kribensis - Stocking - 30 Gallon


New Member
Dec 11, 2011
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Hello. I've got two kribs in a 30 gallon tank - 36" x 18" x 12". The substrate is black sand; planted with anubias, java fern and java moss; driftwood; smooth edged broken pottery. Running an aquaclear 30 and will be adding a second one.

I'm looking to add tank mates (especially any that will help with uneaten food, algae etc.) Any suggestions? A school of barbs or danios? Catfish or Otos? Thanks. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

Talked to the fish guru at the lfs and picked up six tiger barbs, two green barbs and two zebra snails. I'll see how that goes.


Hello. I've got two kribs in a 30 gallon tank - 36" x 18" x 12". The substrate is black sand; planted with anubias, java fern and java moss; driftwood; smooth edged broken pottery. Running an aquaclear 30 and will be adding a second one.

I'm looking to add tank mates (especially any that will help with uneaten food, algae etc.) Any suggestions? A school of barbs or danios? Catfish or Otos? Thanks. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

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