I was just wondering if there were any tanks mates for a Notho. Rachovii?
I am going for an assassin snail and a few shrimps. The tank will be heavily planted. 40L Long.
I was originally thinking Harlequin Rasboras but I have a feeling they will be eaten.
Well any help or advice would be great! Thanks.
Oh, and here is the new tattoo I just got.
Siamese fighting fish with the plants being Heterathera Zosterifolia based.
I was just wondering if there were any tanks mates for a Notho. Rachovii?
I am going for an assassin snail and a few shrimps. The tank will be heavily planted. 40L Long.
I was originally thinking Harlequin Rasboras but I have a feeling they will be eaten.
Well any help or advice would be great! Thanks.
Oh, and here is the new tattoo I just got.
Siamese fighting fish with the plants being Heterathera Zosterifolia based.