Hi all
I got a 90-100 litre tank that was running for 4 weeks,All levels are normal so I put a ranchu in. No problems at all. 1 week on I put a oranda (about the same size) and the ranchu started nipping and eventually killed the oranda. So I left it till 6 weeks then was informed I should put 2 large fish in and see what happens. So I got two larger orandas and the ranchu is chasing them round and putting his head up their anal fins and nipping again! Bloody thing is doing my was in. I have a video of this occurring which I will upload soon. Any suggestion in the mean time?
I got a 90-100 litre tank that was running for 4 weeks,All levels are normal so I put a ranchu in. No problems at all. 1 week on I put a oranda (about the same size) and the ranchu started nipping and eventually killed the oranda. So I left it till 6 weeks then was informed I should put 2 large fish in and see what happens. So I got two larger orandas and the ranchu is chasing them round and putting his head up their anal fins and nipping again! Bloody thing is doing my was in. I have a video of this occurring which I will upload soon. Any suggestion in the mean time?