Just Wondering What I Could Do With My Betta While I Was On Holiday


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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Hi all a don't have my any filter in my tank but that could be added so i would not need to clean for a week but was just wondering how would i feed him 
This is not of an urge guys i am not going any where just so i can get ready for when i do 
theres this stuff you can buy at almost any petstore. it is food meant for bettas while on vacation. it usually comes in a shape and is really big. it sinks but bettas usually find it because they are scavengers.
There are many foods available marketed under "vacation food"
Usually they'll last 1-2 weeks..
Vacation foods are really bad idea; especially in a tank with no filtration. They can cause terrible water quality problems at the worst time (ie, when you're not there to monitor it and do the necessary water changes).

Fish can easily go without food for around two weeks, so if you're only away for a week or ten days, just leave them and they'll be fine.
Get an automatic feeder that runs on batteries that is what I use.
don't use the holiday food..
feed him the day before you go then after feeding do a 50% water change and when you come back feed him again and do a water change and your good to go.
Hopefully the filter you are talking about adding to the betta's tank is cycled from another tank already or adding the filter will do no good for the tank while you are gone.  I do not recommend using any type of feeder while away from the tank.  They create WAY more issues than they solve.  Fish can easily go 2 weeks or more without food so I would not stress about feeding him while you are away.  Like mentioned before, feed the day before you leave and then feed the day you return.
OH :(
I'm sorry I gave bad advise!
At least I learned :p
How would I be going to keep it clean then I won't be away for more that 7 days but I dint use a filter in there now just do loads of water changes
If the fish isn't being fed, there won't be much, if any pollution to clean out.

If there aren't live plants in the tank now, it would be a good idea to add some, if you go away. The plants will give the fish something to pick at and help (a bit) with the water quality.

Of course, having a properly cycled filter in the tank would be the best option.
I got loads of plants in there so U think he would be ok for a week like that its wired leaving fish for a hole week without food
I know it seems weird, but honestly he'll be fine.

Remember, not only are fish very small, so they need only small amounts of food, but they're cold blooded. Something like 75 or 80% of the food mammals eat goes directly on maintaining their body temperature; take away that need and the food requirement drops massively.
What size is this tank?
If you could get a filter and cycle it before you go away then that would help a lot with water quality issues. 
Your betta should be fine without food for up to two weeks, I left mine for 9 days and he was perfectly fine :)
Is there anyone trustworthy that could care for your fish while you are away?

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