Just Want To Share Something Nice With You All!


Jan 29, 2012
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just thought id share a few things with you.
this link is to my fish feeding on bloodworm, stars of the show are my parrot fish and my spotted climbing perch


this link is to a video that shows of my really nice adult firmouth in all its glory, also shows it flaring its gills too!


enjoy the videos, all comments welcome!
Lovely tank and fish.
I had forgotten how relaxing it is to watch fish.
Almost makes me want to start up a tank again.
Lovely tank and fish.
I had forgotten how relaxing it is to watch fish.
Almost makes me want to start up a tank again.
Thanks mate. Ive got 2 tanks. One main tank and one i dont spend money on. Just keep it clean. If you can afford it and can keep up with the maintenance then go for it :)
I had 3 tanks running once. I just lost interest.
My little grandson keeps me busy these days.
Thanks for the suggestion. But I will give it a miss.
But it was lovely watching your fish.
I had 3 tanks running once. I just lost interest.
My little grandson keeps me busy these days.
Thanks for the suggestion. But I will give it a miss.
But it was lovely watching your fish.
Fair enough in that case. You clearly still have an interest still which is good to see!
[quote name='Something'sfishy' timestamp='1349472994' post='3428243']
Very nice! I enjoyed watching your angels, especially. I can't wait 'til mine get that big! :)
Thanks. My angels have grown rapidly, im sure you wont have long to wait! They love bloodworm, pellets and the occasional river shrimp ;)
That's a hell of a mixture of fish, didn't think i'd like a mish mash like that but its bloody impressive!

What is that loach you have? Zebra loach?
That's a hell of a mixture of fish, didn't think i'd like a mish mash like that but its bloody impressive!

What is that loach you have? Zebra loach?
hiya dude thanks for the comments. the loach is a pakistan loach :)
Wow, i remember my firemouths... they spawned accidentally too many times! I was never prepared! I stocked my LFS with enough firemouth juvies to last a year... :crazy: :crazy:
Wow, i remember my firemouths... they spawned accidentally too many times! I was never prepared! I stocked my LFS with enough firemouth juvies to last a year... :crazy: :crazy:
lol im jealous, wish i had a breeding pair!

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