Just Aquired New Tank...


Bitter & Clinging...
Oct 22, 2011
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That's about 6-7 gallons right? Good enough for a Betta but not much room anything else. Maybe you could try some Pygmy Corries or at least a Mystery Snail but that's about it.
If you manage to get a laid back better you could try him with some shrimp? There's a chance that he would eat cherries, but they're generally ok with ammanos.
Pygmy cories would work, I have had mine almost a year and they're not even a cm yet so they have moved out of the 65l where i never saw them at all, into my betta tank which is a bit smaller than yours. They occupy a completely different space in the tank to the betta so as long as you keep on top of your water changes I think it would be a great option to get 6-8 of them. I know others will shout ''overstocked' but they really are teeny fish and with enough hiding spots and good filtration, fresh water and sand to lay on, they are in fishy heaven.
hi all, ive just aquired a new tank, well...second hand, ive cleaned it up and all it needs is a heater and away we go, i have a fully cycled tropical tank so have plenty of bacteria to cycle this new tank...so..id like a betta :)

the tank is a half hexagon style tank..its 25ltrs...is this ok for a betta?
also... maybe a small group of neons or harlequins??
do betta have special requirements, i know they are aggresive(most of the time) :crazy: so i cant put one in my community tank set up...but id really like to have one..
i want a green/blue one :)
Soooooo....Is this your emergency? A Mod would probably need to move this to Tropical Discussion, because I see no emergencies here :lol:

TekFish :good:
Yeah, it's not really an emergency, MrsM!

If you want a betta, this would be better in that section :)

A 25l is fine for one betta, but you couldn't really have any other fish in there as well.
did i put it in the emergency section.... :blush: :blush: :blush: please can it be moved, what a silly girl.... sorry ...

Yeah, it's not really an emergency, MrsM!

If you want a betta, this would be better in that section :)

A 25l is fine for one betta, but you couldn't really have any other fish in there as well.
thank you for moving me, :blush: i had numerous pages open...researching.....slaps forhead, thanks again mod :good:
lol, it's ok; easily done!
Ill deffo look into shrimp! Im liking that idea....i just need to find the perfect betta first, i adore the green ones, but im in no rush, still stocking the "big" tank....

Whats the best substrate for betta? Or is it what i prefer as they not fussy?

Temp? Ideal temp?

Feeding? Flakes? Frozen? , veg? Or a mix of all? Im sure i saw cucumber floating in a betta tank at lfs.....
I recently setup a 35 litre betta tank. Got a couple of amano shrimp in with him & all is good. Wasn't keen on them in the beginning but they are pretty cool to watch & a real contrast to the betta.

I just used a small, smooth gravel substrate on my tank. I feed him on Tetra "TetraBetta".

When you consider what these guys are kept in at most shops a nice little tank like yours will feel like a palace to him!

I've had mine a few months & he's coming on a treat. Wouldn't think he was the same fish that was stuck in that tiny cube in the pet shop.
Its awful to see them in those cube tanks, there tiny!! :sad: gotta rehome a rescued goldfish first now......he is in there... **sighs**

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