

Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2013
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St Columb, Cornwall
It was mentioned that I start a journal when I start to attempt to hatch some Killifish.  How do I start a journal and what are the benefits?
As always, thanks for any help.
I don't what the person who suggested had in mind exactly, but there is a section on here for members' journals. If you go to there and start a new thread you can update it with news and photos as things develop :)

The benefits are that you get to share your experiences with other forum members and also get to show off your pretty photos ;)
JenJ said:
I don't what the person who suggested had in mind exactly, but there is a section on here for members' journals. If you go to there and start a new thread you can update it with news and photos as things develop

The benefits are that you get to share your experiences with other forum members and also get to show off your pretty photos
Thanks JenJ 

I'll have a look :)
Sure! You could title it something like, "My killifish egg-hatching journal" or something like that. Let everybody know just what it is.
I think it was me who suggested Boyden do this!

You just need to start a thread in the Journal section and update it as you have things to tell us. Nothing too complicated.

For the benefit of everyone else, Boyden has some Killi eggs he's going to try and hatch so as I was thinking of doing the same at some point in the future I though it would be good for him to start this so we can see what he's doing and see how it goes.
Blimey!  I'm starting to feel pressure!  I don't even know if what I'm suggesting is possible.  Well there's only one way to find out.
The other nice thing about journals is that they occasional attract people who have been thinking about doing the same thing and have some really good suggestions to get you out of a mess when you're stuck, or go off and do something similar that you can steal good ideas from.

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