Jeyes Kleen Off

Brian W

New Member
Apr 30, 2017
Reaction score
Lincolnshire UK
I am starting a fishless cycle in a 240 litre tank. Following the calculator I have just added 7.5 ml of Jeyes Kleen Off 9.5 ammonia to the water, however when I tested the water it is clear no colour. Do I need more ammonia?
This is my fault. I did another test about half an hour later and got a reading of 3 to 4ppm.
Yes, you do have to wait at least half an hour before testing so the ammonia gets thoroughly mixed in :)

Welcome to the forum

Welcome to the forum!:hi:

What are you thinking about stocking your tank with?
Thanks for the welcome, snork6 I not sure what to stock the tank with at the moment being a beginner I will start off with something easy.

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