Jaguar Fry


Mostly New Member
Apr 18, 2014
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So my jaguar fry have been free swimming for 2/3 days, when would it be safe to take the fry out and put them in a fry tank, just there in a tank with a external filter and they keep getting to close to the intake.

Thank you
Have the egg sacks gone? if so then you can remove them and you will need to feed them. Good luck removing fry from Jags :)
Yes their egg sacs are long gone lol. If I put the mum in the fry tank will she still look after them?
is this your first batch of fry? I've never had jags but have bred some other cichlids. I suggest leaving them in for several reasons:
1. Cichlids learn parenting from caring for fry, if you leave this batch in next spawn will likely be bigger and healthier as the parents provide better care. If they eat them now, don't worry you will have another batch for sure and it'll be a better one.
2. Removing the fry might make the male want to mate again. The female wont be ready and he might kill her in the process. This has happened before.
3. The stress of losing a batch of fry might cause a rift in the pair.
5. You wont get to watch fascinating parenting behavior.
Since this is the first batch you might want to let the parents have the experience as well after all these are their children!
However, you can scoop out about 10 of them I'm sure the parents wont mind, and 10 jag fry will fill up a fry tank in no time.
That is a hard one to answer, sometimes you can get away with moving the parent and fry sometimes no, the problem with moving just the female is you may break the bond with the male, which will result in fighting when you return her to the main tank. I would just remove some of the fry if you want to raise them, if not leave them in with the parents. Removing all the fry will result in them attempting to breed again (it is with other cichlids I have bred), if the female is not ready again you could have problems.
Hi thanks for the replied.
No this is not the first time they have bred.
They are already split up due to the male starting to become really aggressive towards her.
But I've moved her and the babies to see how they went, but all is good, the mother took them back straight away :)
She is back to her normal agressiveness and protecting her 400+ fry :)
Good news :). If you are worried about the fry and the intake of the filter you could always put some sponge over the end, just keep an eye on the outlet flow though.
yeah their in the fry tank with a small filter :)
There doing great mum is protecting them and I'm feeding them 3x a day :) but so suprised when I emptied the external to find 50 swimming in the bottom off it. Shows there quite hardy fish lol
I have had that before also. :)

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