Fish Fanatic
Tank size:29 gallon
gH:not sure
tank temp:82F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):Fish is a female german blue ram. I've had her for about 3 months. She eats well and is active. Recently I have noticed this small section over her belly that seems to missing some scales. Here are some pictures.
I have tried to point out the section where the wound is.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: Recently I have been doing two water changes a day. 3 days ago I changed my substrate. My normal maintenance would be a 20 percent water change every 4 days.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I use a biowheel 350. It has 4 filter cartridges in it. No other chemicals other than dechlorinator.
Tank inhabitants:2 German blue rams. 2 Electric blue rams and 4 angelicus loach.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):While the tank was down for the substrate change. I had the fish in a large rubber container full of water I siphoned from my tank. I attached the filter to side of the container, and put the heater in to keep the temp consistent and the filter from crashing. My filter was only off for 5 minutes at most during the change. I seeded the substrate with a sock full of old gravel. After 24 hours of the change I noticed a slight ammonia spike, not quite .25 but higher than 0, so for the next week or so I will be doing 50 percent changes twice a day.
I have noticed that she has become a little aggressive to my male EBR. She gives him a few nips here and there and she kind of gives him a little chase every now and then. I think that may be where the wound came from.
Exposure to chemicals: None.
I'm just wondering if there's any treatment I should give her. Mostly I am posting in case this is not just a small wound and it is something someone more experienced than I might recognize as a more serious injury or disease.
gH:not sure
tank temp:82F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):Fish is a female german blue ram. I've had her for about 3 months. She eats well and is active. Recently I have noticed this small section over her belly that seems to missing some scales. Here are some pictures.

I have tried to point out the section where the wound is.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: Recently I have been doing two water changes a day. 3 days ago I changed my substrate. My normal maintenance would be a 20 percent water change every 4 days.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I use a biowheel 350. It has 4 filter cartridges in it. No other chemicals other than dechlorinator.
Tank inhabitants:2 German blue rams. 2 Electric blue rams and 4 angelicus loach.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):While the tank was down for the substrate change. I had the fish in a large rubber container full of water I siphoned from my tank. I attached the filter to side of the container, and put the heater in to keep the temp consistent and the filter from crashing. My filter was only off for 5 minutes at most during the change. I seeded the substrate with a sock full of old gravel. After 24 hours of the change I noticed a slight ammonia spike, not quite .25 but higher than 0, so for the next week or so I will be doing 50 percent changes twice a day.
I have noticed that she has become a little aggressive to my male EBR. She gives him a few nips here and there and she kind of gives him a little chase every now and then. I think that may be where the wound came from.
Exposure to chemicals: None.
I'm just wondering if there's any treatment I should give her. Mostly I am posting in case this is not just a small wound and it is something someone more experienced than I might recognize as a more serious injury or disease.