Is This A Hi Fin?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2013
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Okay, so this isn't an exact pic as my camera is broken but definitely the closest pleco I have found using Google images to pin point what he looks like.
The easiest way to explain what he looks like, almost an alligator skin pattern of brown and darker brown markings.
Also, has a high fin rounded as it goes down his back.
here's the link:
(I'm in no way advertising another forum, using google images I came across this.)
I bought him off Craigslist, said he's been at the same size (7in approx) 2 years. anything you can think, please let me know what L species he is :)
im pretty sure that is a hi fin, most of the ones i've seen have stripes running horizontal though
L015 Pleco or Candy striped Pleco
The Candy striped pleco can reach a length of 10 cm (almost 4 inches). It changes colouration depending on its current mood.
techen said:
L015 Pleco or Candy striped Pleco
The Candy striped pleco can reach a length of 10 cm (almost 4 inches). It changes colouration depending on its current mood.
max at 4, but he's 7? maybe he's a boss and grew even bigger?
I don't think there's any set length for plecos, They'll grow so long as there happy but I wouldn't expect it to get larger.
I could be wrong in my ID but am fairly sure that's what it is.
techen said:
I don't think there's any set length for plecos, They'll grow so long as there happy but I wouldn't expect it to get larger.
I could be wrong in my ID but am fairly sure that's what it is.
You do realise that isn't a pic of the OPs actual fish; it's just the nearest thing they could find on Google?
OP, we really need to see a pic of your fish. Many plecs look very similar, and there's no way we can positively ID it from a picture of another fish; we're just IDing the pic, atm!
let me see if I can get my hands on any working camera really quick.
Best of luck!
With both borrowing a camera, and getting a pic of your plec!
Well, no luck yet, possibly tonight. Based on what I've said and the reference pic, what are the chances of it being a common?
Most rehomed/unwanted plecs are either commons or sailfins; people don't generally give away things that are interesting or unusual (or expensive).
I'd put your odds at about 49% common, 49% gibby (sailfin) and 2% something else. Both commons and gibbys can show distinct vertical stripes; most often when they're stressed, nervous or angry.
I called a LFS that specializes in breeding plecos and they said sounds very close to a LDA78.. a Peckoltia brevis
Well, you never know. Get the pic, and we'll know for sure

Peckoltia brevis only get to 4.5" :/

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