Is She Preggers? (Pics Inc)


Mostly New Member
Sep 7, 2013
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shes been slightly bigger now for about a week she had a few fry about 4 weeks ago (well thats when i saw them swimming in tank) not exactly sure when she gave birth as didnt even realize she was pregnant (first time had proper tank) 
if she is how long to go till she drops? (i got birthing tank thing now) when do i put her in? what do i need inside it? (i had few fry in there last time alone fed them liquidfry and they died after like 3 weeks in there
what signs are more promident nearer to dropping?
really wanna try saving these fry and make them grow big enough to join the tank

(if anyone could point via the pics what will change the nearer she gets if she actually is) i would appreciate it

thx a lot tanked46


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I'd say she is defiantly pregnant, and if she dropped 4 weeks ago then i would say she is closing to dropping again. Hiding away and staying on her own are good signs that she is in labor. I would put her in a breeding box soon. I always feed my guppy and platy fry on frozen baby brime shrimp, i feed them 3 times a day. 
Hope that helps you out abit.
Definitely pregnant, maybe a few days to a week to go, when she's almost ready to drop she'll look like she's swallowed a box & you may see her birthing tube appear
Birthing traps can stress them out & cause them to abort the fry, if your tank is well planted then some will survive, if you save all the fry every time you'll soon be very overstocked
Don't put her in a tank. How many other fish is she in with at the moment? Platy fry are pretty shy and good at hiding, if you ignore them a few babies will make it. Just crush up a few bits of flake food really fine. Platy also pick at algae quite happily, so I wouldn't bother separating the fry and worrying about feeding them. Good luck!
ive just fed her and while feeding i noticed the white birthing tube underneath her altho i dont see any black gravid spot in her belly ?

also i have 1 live plant in the middle of the tank which she is now swimming in amongst it a LOT (shes never really done this before) would it be a good idea for me to move this plant into the corner of the tank tonight (would she give birth after eating)?

i did plan go buying another plant tmoro when i do my water change (also is it still ok to do water change while shes possibly about to drop)?

thx for all replies so far tanked46
I would try and get bunched, stem plants as that will give the fry more places to hide. Things like elodea and cabomba are good.

I wouldn't bother moving the plant you have, although she may still give birth after eating today. It's fine to carry on with your water changes, but do check your bucket carefully before you pour the old water away; it's very easy to suck up fry without noticing them!
i will do that tmoro hopefully she will hold off till i get some
many thx for the quick reply

this forum rocks

Once she has dropped post pics! But add more plants and don't really worry about the fry some will get eaten and that might sometimes be a good thing cause platys can breed quite a lot....
no babies yet and she aint got no bigger  got some plants as advised and want to ask is it fine the way i put them or do you think i should bunch them together as 1 big bush but in the left corner?


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Tanked46 said:
no babies yet and she aint got no bigger  got some plants as advised and want to ask is it fine the way i put them or do you think i should bunch them together as 1 big bush but in the left corner?
also any help on how to post bigger pics? i take the pics with my phone then email them to myself on pc i save them as large files but they always come up small? 
latest pic of her i dont see any black gravid spot i see mentioned so much altho i can vividly see the white birth tunnel / tube underneath her also she dont look square to me altho i might not be seeing it properly as never saw one before (missed her last preganancy didnt realise)
so any ideas how far to go till she drops anyone? as you can see above in this thread  i bought the plants that was recommended for her to have the fry in instead of the birthing tank 
i check everyday numerous times and she dont look any bigger etc 
also whats the signs when shes nearly read y to drop does she stop eating etc? as shes still feeding at the moment 
thx im so anxious i really wanna save a couple of the fry if possible and hopefully post pics when all done 


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Female livebearers get really big before they give birth, especially if it's not their first brood.
Honestly, I'd stop worrying and let her get on with it in peace. You'll get plenty of fry in time :)
yeah i am but i really wanna know the signs just before and hopefully watch it happen never knew keeping fish was so much fun once you get into it 
You'd be very, very lucky to actually see the birth.
The females prefer to be out of sight and often give birth overnight, when it's dark. She'll hold onto them if she feels unsafe.
Think about how it would be in the wild; newborn fry are very vulnerable to predation, so females are not going to want to give birth out in the open, while being watched or while it's very bright.
so its been 2 weeks ish since the platty lost her huge bump etc and untill now didnt see any sign of any fry etc but looking tonite my mum saw 1 fry to which about 10 mins later another 1 appeared in the other plant so so far we have seen 2 fry living in the plants (might be more) 
my question is do i leave them as they are and have been or do i now catch them and put in breeders box etc (i really wanna keep them alive to survive and live in tank) 
anyway hers pics
sorry not the best pics (dont know how to enlarge them if anyone knows let me know or i can email them to you for you to post) but you can just make them out
so happy seeing them 
btw last time i kept fry in breeders box (2) they died after like 3 weeks feeding them on liqiud fry 


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