Hmm, maybe its me but those readings seem a bit odd!!! I woud have thought that once your ammonia was lowering that your Nitrites would be increasing (as the other bacteria increases its numbers and ergo, its efficiency!!), then as per, once your Nitrites reduce your Nitrates increase at which time your tank is THEN cycled!!!
The growing of bacteria does not happen overnight (unfortunately as pretty much all fish keepers have found out one way or another!!).
What test kit are you using? Is it in date, are you doing tests correctly, etc

It is hard work been where you are with cycling but as stated, you really NEED to be doing as big a water changes as you can until your ammonia & Nitrites come to ZERO otherwise, you WILL lose fish or reduce there life substantially .
People on here speak from experience and no doubt like me, if i can help someone avoid the mistakes that i did then I am happy to help!! .
Daily water changes & daily testing me thinks until all settles
It will come good in the end, just keep at it!!!