Hey all,
So a bit of background first... I decided to get a fish tank, and I'd seen quite a few articles online about fishless cycling etc, but not this forum. I went to the store, bought the tank, and got some advice from a couple of the guys working there (lets call them bill and ben) - I understand advice from a fish store isn't great, but too late now! Also being someone who works with salesmen, these guys seemed far too naturally enthusiastic, and didn't seem too slimey a character - so either they're really good salesmen, or they were actually being honest.
I also bought water conditioner, and a bottle of "bio-boost" to introduce the yummy bacteria that we all seem to love.
fast forward several hours of painful stand building, sand washing and tank moving, I now have a tank full of water. Hooray. I now add the first dose of bacteria and water conditioner, along with the filter and heater and a few pieces of food (as per suggestions from monsieurs Bill and Ben) - They're also catfish pellets if it makes any difference. I want to start with a school of corys. Hooray.
Oh, I forgot to buy the water testing kit and I won't have a chance to get one for a few days. OK.
A few days later, the tank is at the right temperature, the water is clear following poor sand washing and I do a quick test... Ammonia comes back negligible. Me being rather lazy at times - OK well it obviously hasn't started cycling yet - lets not bother doing the other tests. For the record I'd gone for tests you do one by one... not ones which test everything in one go.
The next day I get some plants and plant them - I was going to keep the tank entirely empty but i could not stand looking at it like that.
Two more days later (we're on day 6 here) and I do another ammonia test... still negligible. I also decide some rocks and wood would be great, so off I pop to get some rocks to clean and add to the tank, and start soaking some wood. I mention the ammonia situ and the same guys who I bought the tank from suggested running a nitrite and nitrate test and compare them to my tap water.
I go home and do the above. Tap water had zero nitrite, but my sample of tank water has turned a lovely shade of pink indicating 0.25mg/L. And the nitrate tests? Inconclusive. I broke both plastic vials by putting the lids on too forcefully and now I can't shake the tablet about in the water without it leaking everywhere.
So my question is this... Does it seem like my ammonia will have spiked already and is under control and the nitrites are getting worked on?
Unfortunately I'm not good enough at questions to only ask 1, so here is some more...
I'm adding the dosage of bacteria that the bottle recommends.... Do I need to 'feed' them at all whilst I don't have fish pooping and breathing? If so, how? Do I add ammonia? Or are the little catfish pellets doing the job?
Does the 'Adding of ammonia' section only apply if you cannot produce a source of bacteria?
I understand the food will rot which isn't great for the fish. I don't plan on adding fish for another 4 weeks anyway as I will not have the hours in the day to give them a regular feeding regime... I will be doing a 50%+ water change a few days before adding 4-5 corys ( don't worry I shall add the water conditioner).
Whilst we're on the subject of water, my pH is around 8-8.5 according to the rubbish tests I bought. I also live in an area of hard water. My store have said that I can buy a 25l water tub from them for £5, and I can top up the tub for £2 a pop whenever I choose. This water has not had any fish in it. This is water which they have neutralised. They also have not added any buffers or anything to it. Basically pure distilled water. They said if I'm having issues with my 60l tank, then at my next water change introduce 10l of this neutral water. What are your thoughts on this?
I will save my fish stocking questions for a more appropriate section of the forum.
Thank you all in advance
My tasty new shiny 6 in 1 water testing strips shall hopefully arrive tomorrow or Tuesday. I shall comment below with the figures obtained from those tests.
Edit: I meant to say that I've read the 'read me first' bit of this cycling forum. I didn't proof read this... apologies!
So a bit of background first... I decided to get a fish tank, and I'd seen quite a few articles online about fishless cycling etc, but not this forum. I went to the store, bought the tank, and got some advice from a couple of the guys working there (lets call them bill and ben) - I understand advice from a fish store isn't great, but too late now! Also being someone who works with salesmen, these guys seemed far too naturally enthusiastic, and didn't seem too slimey a character - so either they're really good salesmen, or they were actually being honest.
I also bought water conditioner, and a bottle of "bio-boost" to introduce the yummy bacteria that we all seem to love.
fast forward several hours of painful stand building, sand washing and tank moving, I now have a tank full of water. Hooray. I now add the first dose of bacteria and water conditioner, along with the filter and heater and a few pieces of food (as per suggestions from monsieurs Bill and Ben) - They're also catfish pellets if it makes any difference. I want to start with a school of corys. Hooray.
Oh, I forgot to buy the water testing kit and I won't have a chance to get one for a few days. OK.
A few days later, the tank is at the right temperature, the water is clear following poor sand washing and I do a quick test... Ammonia comes back negligible. Me being rather lazy at times - OK well it obviously hasn't started cycling yet - lets not bother doing the other tests. For the record I'd gone for tests you do one by one... not ones which test everything in one go.
The next day I get some plants and plant them - I was going to keep the tank entirely empty but i could not stand looking at it like that.
Two more days later (we're on day 6 here) and I do another ammonia test... still negligible. I also decide some rocks and wood would be great, so off I pop to get some rocks to clean and add to the tank, and start soaking some wood. I mention the ammonia situ and the same guys who I bought the tank from suggested running a nitrite and nitrate test and compare them to my tap water.
I go home and do the above. Tap water had zero nitrite, but my sample of tank water has turned a lovely shade of pink indicating 0.25mg/L. And the nitrate tests? Inconclusive. I broke both plastic vials by putting the lids on too forcefully and now I can't shake the tablet about in the water without it leaking everywhere.
So my question is this... Does it seem like my ammonia will have spiked already and is under control and the nitrites are getting worked on?
Unfortunately I'm not good enough at questions to only ask 1, so here is some more...
I'm adding the dosage of bacteria that the bottle recommends.... Do I need to 'feed' them at all whilst I don't have fish pooping and breathing? If so, how? Do I add ammonia? Or are the little catfish pellets doing the job?
Does the 'Adding of ammonia' section only apply if you cannot produce a source of bacteria?
I understand the food will rot which isn't great for the fish. I don't plan on adding fish for another 4 weeks anyway as I will not have the hours in the day to give them a regular feeding regime... I will be doing a 50%+ water change a few days before adding 4-5 corys ( don't worry I shall add the water conditioner).
Whilst we're on the subject of water, my pH is around 8-8.5 according to the rubbish tests I bought. I also live in an area of hard water. My store have said that I can buy a 25l water tub from them for £5, and I can top up the tub for £2 a pop whenever I choose. This water has not had any fish in it. This is water which they have neutralised. They also have not added any buffers or anything to it. Basically pure distilled water. They said if I'm having issues with my 60l tank, then at my next water change introduce 10l of this neutral water. What are your thoughts on this?
I will save my fish stocking questions for a more appropriate section of the forum.
Thank you all in advance

My tasty new shiny 6 in 1 water testing strips shall hopefully arrive tomorrow or Tuesday. I shall comment below with the figures obtained from those tests.
Edit: I meant to say that I've read the 'read me first' bit of this cycling forum. I didn't proof read this... apologies!