Is My Otto Cat About To Die?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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He is upside down and hanging from the filter by his tail. He isn't sucking, but he is breathing rapidly. 
water stats?
these fish need a very mature tank before being added.. algae levels large so they can eat etc etc.
if you don't have a very mature tank then they won't survive very long.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2
The tank is kinda new. This particular otto was the only survivor from when I lost all of my fish. I still never got new fish. 
He is on his side on the bottom. It doesn't look like he is breathing. 
As Berryattack says they need a mature tank, as they are sensitive to changes in water parameters, plus they need the algae on the glass etc to feed. What have you been feeding, and how much?
You say your tank is "kinda new" and you lost other fish. Can you give us more info., as to the history of the tank/fish. Was the tank cycled?
Sounds like you are likely to loose your Oto, however the above info., will assist us in helping you before re-stocking.
I just let him eat the algae that grows on the glass and rocks. Should I have fed him other things? Woops.
 I got the tank in early October. I started out with a goldfish who died within a week. Then I got a swordtail and a platy. A few weeks later I got two more platys. In early December I got the otto cat. I put a new rock in a few weeks after christmas, which I think killed my platys and swordtails. Still doing largish water changes to get the toxins out. 

I feel so bad. I can't stop thinking that it was my fault. :( I wish I never put that rock in the tank.
Sorry for your loss :(

The main thing is you are reaching out for help, and willing to learn.

Firstly, read about cycling your tank, links are in the forum index. This will help you understand what is happening to your fish.

Read up on Oto's, they need a stable mature tank and prefer to be in groups. Many of them die in the stores as they are sensitive and often starving when they arrive. I will not buy Oto's unless I know they have been in store for at least a month. I even ask the LFS if they have stopped dying! I supplement my Oto's with cucumber, courgette and seaweed, as well as algae tablets and food.

Do you have a water test kit? Would recommend the API one.

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