Interpet Airvolution Aquarium Air Pump - Av4


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2012
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Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England
i have an interpet av4 air pump (double air outlet), attached to this inside the tank are 2x 12" airstones on tubing, i had a long tube which i manually put holes in thinkin the holes werent big enough or not enought of the so bought proper air stones. The noise is terrible! any ideas or is it a dodgy air pump? its just hummmmming and i read they were supposed to be quiet!
Iv found this with a few different pumps iv used. My interpet av3 was loud. Iv got the tetratec aps 400 now and it's silent :) Got mine brand new and delivered for £24.99
Iv found this with a few different pumps iv used. My interpet av3 was loud. Iv got the tetratec aps 400 now and it's silent :) Got mine brand new and delivered for £24.99

this is brand new and the noise is horrific! i've emailed them sayin this, not puttin up with this and they advertise it as quiet etc, balls to this i'll get my brass back
Air pumps aren't usually known for being quiet. Even the quiet ones are still usually pretty noisy.
I've found cutting a hole in a sponge for it to sit in will help absorb some of the vibrations and therefore the noise, but I've yet to find something that completely solves the problem. I only use mine when I'm raising fry so it's never been a big issue for me.
You can get little plastic clamps from almost all fish stores. About £1 for 2. They restrict the air flow the same as if you were to squeeze the pipe :)
In the past I have taken a small peice of sponge and attached them to each foot, then made a small square around the pump so it doesn't vibrate off the shelf, I have the interpet 2 with the single outlet and I can't notice mine any more, i'd say my pc is louder now :p

Currently it is sat on a shelf with nothing on it to rattle and a small sausage of blu tak in front of it so it doesn't fall off
I have a tetra tec air pump and it does make a loud noise sometimes but what i do is put my hand down the top of the aquariums cover as the noise quietins when i do it and it may become noisy again but i keep moving my hand around the top of the cover untill it doesnt make that noise again although it may be the filter which is noisy sometimes. When my air pump does make a loud vibration noise i would move it around and make sure the wire from the pump to the switch isnt touching the edge of my shelf as that causes the vibration sound

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