Internal Filters..


New Member
May 18, 2004
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Hey Everyone :p

I just Recently set up a new Fresh Water Aquarium its around 70L and im using just a basic spare Kis Bio-Max Sponge Filter to cycle my tank for time being. I only have 2 small Clown Loachs at the moment and will be planning to put just another 4 small Tiger Barbs in with them next week.

I have been around to a Few local Pet Shops near me and i was looking at the Fluval 2+ and the New Eheim Aqua Ball 2210, Does anyone have one of these Internal Filters there self and Recommand them? They seem to be really good Internal Filters from the stuff i have heard about them they are quite simlar to one another but im not to sure about the Preformace between the 2 though.
I have been told from a few people from a few other Forums to go with the Fluval and a few say to go with the Ehiem :blink:

Ehiem >>

Fluval >>

What would be your Opinon?


kRiSo :)
As I have been saying in MSN, go for the one with the higher flowrate - litres/gallons per hour. I find that Eheims are not very good on this front. I've got 2 eheim 2233 eccos and they only do 400lph and cost £70 each, I got a different brand one (atman) that does 1000lph for £60!

Don't just go for the name.

I find fluvals really good, I have 4 of them (3 in use) and have never had a problem with them.

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