Integration Of Added Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Loch Lomond
At the start of December I bought three 2" clown loaches to add to my other three, but ever since then they dont really stay in one group as I thought they would. I have lost one of the smaller ones to my powerhead and the two remaining still dont group with the three bigger loaches. The younger ones seem to be less shy than the larger ones which are always hiding.

Yesterday I bought 2 albino corys to add to my 2 existing ones and they too are going there own way. I was wanting 4 more but the lfs only had the two.

Any ideas to get them too stick together or will it just take time?

Thanks in advance
Fish sticking together may be a sign that they feel unsafe, so them splitting up likely means they are happy in their environment. Unfortunately there's not much you can do to make them stick together, they either will or they won't.
It sounds like you expect your fish to act as "schoolers', when they are just "shoalers". There are some fish that always "school", and others "shoal". "Shoal" is when they come together to feed or for protection when they feel insecure. "School" means they stay together all the time.

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