Tank size: 180 litres
pH: not sure
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: not sure
tank temp: 27.2
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior) 4 guppys are staying on bottom of tank most of time , will come up for food then swim back down again. Swimming is ok so not swimbladder, not ick , scales are not cone shape , I have had them roughly a year , the other 2 guppys are fine at mo , there are no marks on the fish at all .
Volume and Frequency of water changes: I do a weekly water change of roughly 25% , stir substrate up weekly and clean plus clean substrate up in middle of week if needed . Filter fluval 306 cleaned monthly in tank water .
Added 3 small keyhole cichilds 3 weeks ago and they are ok nothing else added
I have 5 live plants in tank healthy
No pollutents got into tank
Rest of fish are healthy
Tank is fully cycled and has been for over a year
Could this be old age ?
Should I set up a quarantine tank ? but could have cycle issues with this if I do as not 1 up and running
Any ideas on this please
cheers cathy
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Tank inhabitants:
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Exposure to chemicals
Sorry slightly filled it in wrong but all information is there
pH: not sure
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: not sure
tank temp: 27.2
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior) 4 guppys are staying on bottom of tank most of time , will come up for food then swim back down again. Swimming is ok so not swimbladder, not ick , scales are not cone shape , I have had them roughly a year , the other 2 guppys are fine at mo , there are no marks on the fish at all .
Volume and Frequency of water changes: I do a weekly water change of roughly 25% , stir substrate up weekly and clean plus clean substrate up in middle of week if needed . Filter fluval 306 cleaned monthly in tank water .
Added 3 small keyhole cichilds 3 weeks ago and they are ok nothing else added
I have 5 live plants in tank healthy
No pollutents got into tank
Rest of fish are healthy
Tank is fully cycled and has been for over a year
Could this be old age ?
Should I set up a quarantine tank ? but could have cycle issues with this if I do as not 1 up and running

Any ideas on this please
cheers cathy
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Tank inhabitants:
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Exposure to chemicals
Sorry slightly filled it in wrong but all information is there