Ideas For A New Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Right now I have two tanks set up. A 30 gallon with two Surinam Toads, and a ten gallon with a fresh batch of marble cray babies.
I'm thinking about setting up my ten gallon up in my spare bedroom and do everything the right way. Pool filtration sand, driftwood, java moss, java fern, air pump, filter, and high wattage light bulbs. Of course I'm going to take my time setting up this tank, making sure that the plants are going to thrive before I add any fish or crustaceans. I already know what plants and peices of driftwood i'm getting and where I'm getting them from but now I'm trying to think of what fish I want to put in the tank when it comes time to purchase. I was looking at aquabid and am thinking red moscows, and possibly full king kong shrimps to go along with them. Has anyone had any experience with these full king kong shrimps? If so, please tell me of your experience with them. Are they hardy? Easy to reproduce? Do they do well with plants? What do they eat?

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