Id This Ram Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2011
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Hi Guys,

I saw these fella's in a local fish shop, but all they say on the tank is RAM (not german ram or bolivian ram etc) and just wondered if you guys could say what they were.



If you got it from petco its a blue ram.

How can you tell its stressed?
I have a two rams one looking just like this. I've had me for about 3 weeks. What do I need to do to make him not so stressed?

Lots of cover, lots of plants and a sand substrate.

What are your tank's stats? Rams are very delicate and need perfect water conditions to thrive. They also need a higher temperature than most tropical fish; at least 79°F/26°C.
I need a new heat because my water doent go that high its at 76 f.

I don't know what my ph is at I use ph down once a week when I change my water .

I have a few small real plant and aswell as a small peice of drift wood . Most of my plants are fake

I need a new heat because my water doent go that high its at 76 f.

I don't know what my ph is at I use ph down once a week when I change my water .

I have a few small real plant and aswell as a small peice of drift wood . Most of my plants are fake

Rams are more suited for the planted aquarium. Like said before they requirer amazing water parameters. And even then rams can die off randomly. I had an electric blue ram that ive had for 8 months die randomly today :(. It was perfectly healthy yesterday. Rams also need very soft water. They are best suited for the discus aquarium. I use r/o water and treat my water daily, i keep my ph at 5.8 and my water is as soft as possible and i still lose rams. They are very difficult fish to keep.
Don't bother with pH down. It will do more harm than good. Mopani or Malaysian driftwood can help being down pH in my experience. Some people will say it can't long term, but my tap pH is over 9 and my tank pH is around 7 with some big pieces. That water the fish is in looks nasty!

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