Id Please?


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
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Hi all
My friends just brought me some fish round but I'm completely new to keeping fish and ain't sure what they are. Does anyone have any ideas? And if so what are the general characteristics,, size etc? Tis the one in the middle of all 3 picks. I have 3 of different sex (I think).


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The fish is a kribensis i think that is a male not hundred percent . I believe they are peacefull untill breeding and should be over 20gal tank i may be wrong some of the more experienced people will correct me
Kribensis. Nice fish, lovely colours, can get a bit mental if they breed.
Its a male Krib (kribensis pulcher), African cichlid.
Ive just posted a vid/post with my pair that have just spawned!! .
Great beutiful fish.
Although what size & what other fish you have in your tank?
By the looks of the fins and the colours its a male krib fish.

Pretty peaceful, can be easily bred in the domestic tank if females are present.

And they like terracotta plant pots. :good:
Kribensis. Nice fish, lovely colours, can get a bit mental if they breed.
a kribensis the male is bigger than the female and grow to approx 4"
they can be sexed as the female has a pronounced purple belly that is brighter when spawning
can be territorial when breeding
likes live or frozen food bloodworm etc
cichlid family
Thanks all. 35 gallon tank and as I say 3 in it. After your id I've looked up and looks like I've got 2 males and a female. How will that go!?

I have ruby and gold barbs in tank, a plec and some dinamos (spelling).

They are lovely looking fish, colours on the fins and belly are gorgeous.

terracotta pots noted!
If you have 2 males then I can't see it going too well. It's would be much better if you had 2 females and 1 male or just one of each. I had 1 male and 1 female in a 3 foot 180 litre (46 gallon) with a opaline gourami, redline torpedo barbs, corys and a BN plec and the kribs where ok for a few weeks but then attacked everything and they weren't even breeding at that point. They are aggressive and very unpredictable
If you have 2 males then I can't see it going too well. It's would be much better if you had 2 females and 1 male or just one of each. I had 1 male and 1 female in a 3 foot 180 litre (46 gallon) with a opaline gourami, redline torpedo barbs, corys and a BN plec and the kribs where ok for a few weeks but then attacked everything and they weren't even breeding at that point. They are aggressive and very unpredictable
Thanks for the advice, no aggression so far but probably wise to return one of the males.
Ive got a pair in my 5ft 420 litre with tiger barbs, pair of GBR's (for now till i re-shuffle!!), lemon & beacon tetras , a jade eye & blue acara and some bnp's. Ive found them fine apart from they at war witj GBR's though i find the Gbr's the more aggressive hence giving them a dedicated tank!!!
I find them
No probs and as mine have spawned but still, i dont find mine overly aggressive at all. If my other fish dont go near the fry then my kribs dont go near them .... If they do .... Well!!! Lol. No different to any other animal IMO and no
More aggressive though suppose size if tank
Will make a HUGE difference!!!
Id return one of the males as there will be dominance issues without a doubt. Not sure about adding another female for the same reason & if you do and they both spawn you may be in for serious problems ... Will limit the other fish you can have also.
That aside, they really are stunning fish with great personalities .
BIG for me!!!
Ive got a pair in my 5ft 420 litre with tiger barbs, pair of GBR's (for now till i re-shuffle!!), lemon & beacon tetras , a jade eye & blue acara and some bnp's. Ive found them fine apart from they at war witj GBR's though i find the Gbr's the more aggressive hence giving them a dedicated tank!!!
I find them
No probs and as mine have spawned but still, i dont find mine overly aggressive at all. If my other fish dont go near the fry then my kribs dont go near them .... If they do .... Well!!! Lol. No different to any other animal IMO and no
More aggressive though suppose size if tank
Will make a HUGE difference!!!
Id return one of the males as there will be dominance issues without a doubt. Not sure about adding another female for the same reason & if you do and they both spawn you may be in for serious problems ... Will limit the other fish you can have also.
That aside, they really are stunning fish with great personalities .
BIG for me!!!
Really helpful, thank you.

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