

New Member
Aug 8, 2012
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How long do ich cysts last? my green spotted puffer has had them for a week and a half or more. i have been treating the tank with medicine just in case they do fall off but they just keep getting larger!
I have raised the temp too and added aquarium salt. my pH and ammonia levels are good too.
Is this still continuing? what are the exact water parameters? How much and how often do you change the water? Do you use a dechlorinator? What size is the tank? what are the inhabitants?:good:
Is this still continuing? what are the exact water parameters? How much and how often do you change the water? Do you use a dechlorinator? What size is the tank? what are the inhabitants?:good:

well I actually found out it is Lymphocystis. I did some research because the 'ich' was there for over a week and just got larger, and it was only present on the fins so i found the Lymphocystis and im pretty sure thats the problem. It gets worse with stress and i noticed that it got worse when i added ich medicine... I did a water change yesterday again and didn't use medicine and it's already better today! I guess time will heal. Unless you have any other advice?
oh and i try to do weekly changes, about 20% each time. it's a 10 gallon with the puffer (hes a young one) and 2 ghost shrimp. i add 1 gallon of fresh water and 1 gallon of water with 3 tablespoons of marine salt so it is slightly bracksih. i use a water conditioner when i put water back in my jugs after the water change so it has time to sit and stuff.

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