I set up a 29 gal planted tank about six weeks ago and it is looking awesome. The plants are all growing really well, and the fish all look good, but today I noticed one of my cardinal tetras has a few ich spots. Disaster!! I would prefer to do the heat/salt route to treat the tank, but is that going to be the demise of all my lovely plants?? Is there a med I could use that would be kinder on my plants?
As if that isn't bad enough I am leaving for ten days on Saturday (two days time) and my bf is going to come in to feed the fish. Now he is not remotely savvy so just getting him to feed them was stressing me enough. There's no chance he'll do water changes so I guess I just have to set something in process and hope for the best. Any suggestions (other than don't go away, which can't be avoided) would be much appreciated.
Fish in the tank are: Cardinals, white clouds, glow-lights, guppies, a couple of GBR's, a BN pleco and a clown pleco. Plants - amazon sword, cryptocoryne,, anubias, java fern, java moss, ancharis, bacopa, myriophylum
As if that isn't bad enough I am leaving for ten days on Saturday (two days time) and my bf is going to come in to feed the fish. Now he is not remotely savvy so just getting him to feed them was stressing me enough. There's no chance he'll do water changes so I guess I just have to set something in process and hope for the best. Any suggestions (other than don't go away, which can't be avoided) would be much appreciated.
Fish in the tank are: Cardinals, white clouds, glow-lights, guppies, a couple of GBR's, a BN pleco and a clown pleco. Plants - amazon sword, cryptocoryne,, anubias, java fern, java moss, ancharis, bacopa, myriophylum