I Thought My Cory Was Constipated....


Fish Herder
Oct 12, 2012
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So one of my cory ladies was swimming erratically around the tank, very peculiar since she usually sits on the substrate and glares at me. It seemed like she had some sort of swim bladder/constipation issue because she wasn't quite landing on the substrate on her stomach, more like on her side. So I decided to isolate her in a breeder net so I could feed her peas and allow her to reach the surface easily. Today I turn on the light and see something peculiar in the breeder net...


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In other news, my peacock gudgeon mamma is fully recovered.
Congratulations! You have grand-fish eggs! lol
I hope you've released her back into the tank if she's ready to spawn she will need to be with the males to fertilise the eggs.
Btw peas will do nothing for corys, if you think they might be constipated give them live or frozen daphnia
Just wanted to say I'm glad your female peacock gudgeon is doing better!

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