I Have Baby Platies...


New Member
Aug 14, 2012
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Today while cleaning the 10 gallon tank, I see 3 little baby platies from my only 3 Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platies. I don't know if they will live or exactly how to make sure they do (first time having babies that made it from devoloping stage). But my biggest concern is what to do with them. I can't keep them due to the small size tank and my 50 gallon is NOT a option. And I don't think they will do well in the temporary goldfish bowls I have around the house. I don't exactly have friends who would want them but I can try I guess... But is there a way to donate fish somewhere?

Please help quickly. :look:
You can buy a breeder net that you can put inside your main tank but keep them from being eaten. You can potentially make one yourself with a plastic container (google diy fry trap). I'm not sure if you can donate fish anywhere, but maybe you can ask your LFS and see if they will take them :)
Thank you for your help :).

Would the parents eat the frys? I only have those platies in there.

And I asked the store before I bought them if I could donate babes but they said no...
Let them be and when the final survivors are about 3 months old give them to a fish shop around you. Chains may not take them but the smaller shops usually do. If you want to make sure they survive make sure there are plenty of hiding places for them or get a breeder net to keep them in for two weeks. But be sure to keep the brreder net free of old food! You can get them in the breeder with a fish net or a turkey baster.

I would most certainly get another tank ot a larger one if you wish to dote on the fry. If you cant accomodate them or find a place to give them away it would be best to leave them be in the tank and let what happens happen. But i would try to seperate your male and female fish so you dont have more fry if you cant keep them. Orrrrr get another tank and Platy bonanza!!!! :D
Well I got a breeding net and they have been doing fine so far. One store will let me give to them as a surrender which is fine since they won't sell for much anyway. And I think it would be an interesting experience if I want to breed less common fish maybe. Though I think one fish might be pregnant but I am not sure. How long does it take to give birth? And will it eat the other fry in the net if I leave it in there until it gives birth?
If the fry can fit in her mouth she may go for them.

It takes a month to 6 weeks on average to give birth. It could take up to several hours to deliver the entire batch.

It is awesome that you found a place that will take them! No worries now.
Oh wow that long? They will be big enough by then hopefully.

And I am very happy about that :) and a few friends want them... I want to keep one but I already have 3 in my 10 gallon... And I can't buy another tank...

Thank you for all your help!

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