I Am Back, And Hopefully For Good


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
North East Lincolnshire, England
Hello. Some of you may remember me, but most of you won't. I am andy_gtfc, but you can call me Andy if you wish (just makes things easier). Only 17, so plenty of years ahead of me, hopefully fishkeeping. I was originally around a few months back, but things that have happened in real life prevented me from doing much socially, but now that is starting to go away :D

Now for a bit about the tank that I have.

I have a Fish Box 40cm Tank by Interpet for my tank with some black gravel. Originally I had multi-coloured but now I think my tank looks much better than before. I hate the multi-coloured gravel now. The filter and heater are the ones that came with the tank, a Interpet PF1 filter and a 100W heater. In the tank, we have a young BN Plec, 5 silver-tipped tetra's, 5 Harlequin Rasbora's and 4 dalmation mollies. I also have raised a white molly fry that was in the bag with the mollies when I bought them. I also have some artificial plants in there and a bridge where the BN Plec likes to stay under.

In the future, I would like to change over to real plants, but I feel I would need a CO2 system? Anyone help with this please? I would also like the mollies to start breeding as well. Also I would like a nice piece of wood for the tank, but I haven't seen one that would fit it that I like yet :(

Hope to learn quite a bit when I am here as well, from the advice of everyone else.
Welcome back mate, You can get some very easy real plants to look after and all they need is a few hours light and nature will take its course.

Check out the plant section on here and im sure you will find out what the easy plants are to buy.

For bogwood etc check out ebay lots of bits on there that might take your fancy.

Good luck and if you get time why dont you upload a photo of your tank!
Welcome back mate, You can get some very easy real plants to look after and all they need is a few hours light and nature will take its course.

Check out the plant section on here and im sure you will find out what the easy plants are to buy.

For bogwood etc check out ebay lots of bits on there that might take your fancy.

Good luck and if you get time why dont you upload a photo of your tank!

Thanks, my tank can get plenty of light, around 12 hours at least per day so that sounds promising. There is a picture of my tank somewhere on here, as I think I had a journal so I might try and revive that with more pictures.

Will start having a look around again for wood soon, there is a beach at the end of my street, would driftwood be any good?
Yeah driftwood is fine, Just make sure you scrub it as much as you can and soak it in water for good few hours maybe even days

This is a good website to buy plants from http://www.java-plants.com/index.php?cPath=23_30&gclid=CN-At8q2jLECFcohfAodQHfFMQ

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