How To Use Seachem Prime When Cycling A Tank ?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey UK
Hi there
I have just set up a tank for Malawi Cichlids and am in the process
of cycling.
In the past I have used Tetra Aqua Safe when making water changes (5 mls to 10 litre mix).

But owing to the volume of water changes I'm making I have switched to Seachem Prime as being
more economical (5 mls to 200 litres).

But how do I mix that thoroughly on water changes - I use a bucket to place the water in the tank,
and used to mix Aqua safe with each bucketful.
But the Seachem Prime dose is alot less, should I place 5 mls of the stuff direct to the tank and then
add buckets of untreated water to mix with it.

Confused ! :crazy:
I use Prime and have done for years. I'd be reluctant to pour untreated tap water into the tank as if adding Prime to the tank itself beforehand, it's instantly highly diluted. Therefore it'll take a lot longer to neutralise the chlorine/chloramine and you don't want that coming into contact with anything! I use a 25 litre bucket, measure the Prime dose with a syringe, mix it with the water with a measuring jug for a bit and then decant it into a smaller 10 litre bucket and into the tank. You can pick up 25 litre buckets with lids from a home brew shop or online, ebay etc. :good:
That is brilliant - such an obvious solution but one that I hadn't thought of.
I do have a larger bucket that I use in emptying a tank.

I'll pre-mix the Seachem Prime in that, then decant into the smaller bucket for
filling the tank.

Many thanks - I'll go and measure its capacity now ! :good:
I dose direct to the tank and the full it up with a hose. You will need to overdose though - add enough to dose the whole tank, not jato at the water you're adding. I usually go a bit more than this too. You'll want to turn the filter off while this is going on and for a little while afterwards too.

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