How To Make Your Own Diy Spray Bar


Jun 7, 2006
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As you may all be aware of, some filters do not come with spray bars. Some must be ordered separately at extautionate prices, just for a piece of plastic tubing with holes cut in it! Others do not even have the option of doing this. This guide is designed to show the ease of making a spray bar.

To do this guide, i paid £8.99 for a fluval spray bar to determine how it is made.(don't worry, i got a refund straight after i made my one)

To make this spray bar, you will need:

Tubing with the internal diameter to be the same as the external diameter of the ends to the filter outlet.,
A stopper
Aquarium Safe Silicone
A small drill bit
A slightly bigger drill bit
A drill.

Step One:

Find some tubing. The perfect tubing is right in front of your face... the flexible pipes that come with the filter canisters! When setting up the canister, you need to fit it to length and practically all of the time, you will get spare left over, so use that!

If you do not have a canister and you need to use a spray bar for your internal filter for example, then go to a DIY store and buy some tubing that is suitable for running water.

This is the length of my tube in comparison to the tank.

Step 2:

Look for something to plug the hole. I found the the lid for beconase hay fever nasal spray fits perfectly for the eheim filters! Measure roughly how big the plug is and mark it with a pen. This is important so you do not drill a hole through the end cap and ensure you get the best possible grip between plug and tube.

Step 3:

Use a small drill bit about 2mm diameter and drill SLOWLY into the plastic. If you drill too fast, then you will burn through the plastic and when you remove the drill bit, the hole will close up again. Then take the next size up drill bit, about 3.5mm and do the same thing again. making sure you remove all the plastic. You can remove the plastic on the inside by rinsing the pipe through... hense why you do not silicone the ens stopper in.

Step 4:

Get some silicone and put it all over the outside of the stopper. Then attach it to one end of the dry tube. Then wait 2 days and attach :D

This is what the results look like. I lowered the water current by adding loads of holes.

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