Fish Crazy
My Green Lantern Platy is about to die, and I tend to get emotional. Anyone have any advice that will make it easier for me? I cried when my goldfish I had for less than a week died...
He just died.
He just died.
You don't sound like a jerk at all. The last fish I lost was one of those carnival goldfish. I just did a water change the other day, and I tested the water. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate.Ruskull said:Sorry your fish passed away.
Not to sound like a jerk but if you're losing fish that frequently there may be something wrong with your water. Fish don't normally gasp for air at the top of the water.............have you checked your stats lately? High nitrite or ammonia can cause fish to gasp at the surface. Also low aeration in the tank. The best way to get air in the water is to make sure the outlet of your filter disrupts the surface a bit. A big water change is almost always good for your fish and who knows, maybe this other fish will recover.
Think positive and good luck!\