How To Breed Pest Snails?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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i know it cant be that hard because they breed in my main tank all the time, I've taken a few out and I have a tiny 4 or 5 litre tank, which I have put them in, but I wanted to ask will it need filtration or a heater as I don't think I could find a heater small enough for a tank that size I have put a rock in there and a few left over plants from my main tank and im using a small usb powered LED light over the tank, and I change a litre each day from the tank being as I don't have a filter, do I need a heater? because the water is a little on the cold side
Be warned, Once started its hard to stop them.
With that being said, Overfeed tank and add plants. Snails ahoy!
I don't mind :) I seem to be coming down with MTS but right now I only have the tiny tank and my 120L don't want lots of snails in that one so I thought I would plant the smaller one get some light over it and make a little snail tank :)

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