Tonyb111111 said:
Probably right, I added and removed so many plants during this time.
I think, but please correct me if I'm wrong, that it was my change from RO to tap water. Eh, I hear you say, but bare with me. My tap water is 5ppm phosphate and 50ppm nitrate, and I think all this extra nutrient with no CO2 set off the algae as it far more than the plants needed. Thoughts ?
My fish tank has been near the window (and older ones near a door that led to the balcony), so there was plenty of daylight for 3 months on new tank, YEARS on older ones, yet still no algae.
Then there's my tap: 5 ppm nitrate. The only way it could increase is by fish waste, but then again I only have 1 adult hoplo, 2 teenage swordtails, 3 fry and 2 apple snails. Not much bioload (yet). So it's probably around 20 ppm if my plants let it get that far (the ceratopteris sure seems to enjoy the new light and has something to grow on, so I guess it's eating the nitrate).
No idea how many phosphates available, but fish poop is constantly provided by my swordtails.
I also have a low tech setup (20 W light with full spectrum, a bit over 20 gal of water, plenty of tap water iron, no fertilizers, no CO2 except that provided by the fish and that pumped into the tank by the filter's air spray). So basically the light is low for the tank as it is.