How Mayn Hours Should I Leave My Tank Light On?


New Member
Mar 29, 2012
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Hi there, I have a 15 gallon (uk gallon) tank set up, with a built in tube light.

I have a variety of fish such as dalmation mollys, a fighter fish etc

Is there a suggested time which the tank light should remain on? I have a timer, but im not sure how long i should actually set it for?
Is there live plants in it?

anywhere from 5-12h will do I s'pose... (depending on some factors)

Remember, no live plants + long light = algae :hyper:
i usually leave my lights on for around 8 hours. live plants+light= great growth (i do dose ferts though so they never lack nutrients)
Thanks, I have live plants in, i have been leaving mine on for 10-12 hours, but wasn't sure if this was to long.
I have 2 plants in a 10 g tank and the light is on from 8-10 everyday , no algae in mine .....
I have 2 plants in a 10 g tank and the light is on from 8-10 everyday , no algae in mine .....

8-10 is either 2 hours light, in which case you wont get algae but your plants wont be to happy, or 14 hours light :crazy: so you will get algae, just wait a bit longer.


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