How Many Trumpet Snails


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
would an assassin snail eat per day?
Depends on the size of assassin snails, size of trumpet snails, water temperature, how often you feed other food etc, and probably just the snails mood lol.
However it doesn't matter too much anyway, all you really need to know is that if you add a few assassin snails to a tank with an established population of trumpet snails, eventually you will have lots of assassin snails but no trumpets!
I seem to remember it's 3 or 4 week.
3-4 a week, oh boy I better buy another 20 then!!!!!!!. I have trumpet snails in all my tanks but a nice population in each, and have done for years, but for some reason the one tank in the conservatory is absolutely overridden with them.
:( should of asked how many assassin snails will an amano shrimp eat a day!!!!!!!! :(
Um, 0? That's really strange to hear! Given that they have sort of brush-hand things instead of claws, I thought snails (or whelks, even) were safe.  I've certainly never seen mine eat my assassins or any other species. You must have a spotless algae-free tank and they are starving lol :D.
Forgive my asking, but are you 100% sure they are amanos?
Tank in a conservatory? Would of thought you would get too much light, & fluctuations in ambient temp?
What size is your tank?
I used to have a clown Plec that ate a couple trumpets a day, but I wouldn't put one of them in anything less than a 15 gal.
star4 said:
should of asked how many assassin snails will an amano shrimp eat a day!!!!!!!!
Sorry but do Amano Shrimps even eat Assassin Snails?
I have heard some people say Amano may attack or eat weak or dying fish but never snails. 
I have Assassin Snails and have considered getting Amano Shrimps but if this turn out to have any truth at all, then am sticking with my Assassins and not get any Amanos.......

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