Kia Ora
I'm going to be starting up my first tropical aquirium soon and I'm currently thinking about the stocking side of it.
It's a 140L tank.
I really like the look of the dwarf gouramis and I'm wondering how many males would I be able to have in a tank of this size?
I was thinking about getting some females but when I looked at my LFS I couldn't find any females.
The dwarf Gouramis will be with other small fish (neon tetras and danios - with a bristlenose pleco) will they be alright with these other fish?
Thank you for any help offered!
I'm going to be starting up my first tropical aquirium soon and I'm currently thinking about the stocking side of it.
It's a 140L tank.
I really like the look of the dwarf gouramis and I'm wondering how many males would I be able to have in a tank of this size?
I was thinking about getting some females but when I looked at my LFS I couldn't find any females.
The dwarf Gouramis will be with other small fish (neon tetras and danios - with a bristlenose pleco) will they be alright with these other fish?
Thank you for any help offered!