How Many Male Gouramis?

Jan 6, 2013
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I'm going to be starting up my first tropical aquirium soon and I'm currently thinking about the stocking side of it.
It's a 140L tank.
I really like the look of the dwarf gouramis and I'm wondering how many males would I be able to have in a tank of this size?
I was thinking about getting some females but when I looked at my LFS I couldn't find any females.
The dwarf Gouramis will be with other small fish (neon tetras and danios - with a bristlenose pleco) will they be alright with these other fish?
Thank you for any help offered!
I think makes will fight. Have a look online for females as there rare in shops. Get a trio: 1 male 2 female.
Talltree01 I've just had a look at local online sites and none of them seem to sell females... Just males :/
I also don't really like the idea of posting fish so will only do it if absolutely needed!
Yeah I've heard that they fight which was why I asked because I thought there may be some things that I cod do to stop them fighting. And for as many stories of males fighting I've heard I've heard the same amount of them getting along?!
It's really a hit and miss with gouramis. I'd just get 1 male if females are out.
Okay so they are okay not being in groups?
Thanks for your help!
If you buy two males, ensure you buy them both at the same time (tankmates) and ensure you get fish that are as near the same size as possible, I've got two males (no females) in my 125 lt tank they get on really well, a little bit of chasing and a few occasions where they point their elongated pectoral rays at each other, there has been no physical attacks that I've witnessed and non have ever shown signs of damage from fighting. 
They weren't dwarfs but I had two male Gold Gouramis which the woman at the LFS managed to sex wrongly. I wasn't able to re-home one of them so it eventually got bullied to death :/
Would having lots of hiding places help? I recently read that dwarfs are best kept in threes so would that be better or is that only when there are females in the tank aswell? If they have to be tank mates that could make it a bit harder because I'm sure that my LFS keeps the different variations separate and I was hoping to get some different types but I'll check it out next time I'm there and see.
I keep dwarf, opaline and pearl gourami in my tank - I always strive to get at least a 2-1 female-male ratio. I agree, most LFS stores only seem to sell the male dwarfs, but this is due to the obviousness of the males being more colourful, and thus more appealing to the eye. For those who aren't aware of how indepth fishkeeping really is, they just want 'pretty little things to go in the tank'. - Thus the males sell better.
It can be very difficult to get hold of the female dwarfs, especially around my local area. Any LFS that does sell them, nearly always only sell them in pairs with a male... I've almost bought a pair with the intention of giving away the male, but alas - I can't bring myself to do it. I've been tempted to look online, but not being able to actually pick the actual fish you want always has put me off.
Gourami need lots of hiding places as they can be very shy, and as they are naturally mid-top dwelling, make sure you have some floating plants. I don't own any floats, but I have some great rooted leafy plants which are pretty much taking the entire back wall of my tank - no bullying has occured, except for the odd chasing here and there, but it's normally the dwarf chasing the bigger fish... Its really funny to see!
About 3 months back I managed to source a female dwarf from an LFS - I thought all my christmases had come at once! But in the past week, she has developed a blood red sore on her bottom lip - I fear she is destined for the great fish tank in the sky.
She's been quarantined in a fry net since the day I noticed, and until now, she seems to be doing OK - still has a very healthy appetite, but I do know that it's almost a guaranteed death sentance - so my hunt for a couple of female dwarfs continues once more...
Metka I'm sorry to hear that and wish your female dwarf all the best! :)
I think I'm just going to get 1 male as I'm worried two would fight so I think I'm better not to risk it!
With a floating plant what type would be the best? Just a hardy plant that the dwarf and other fish might enjoy but wouldn't take over the tank? I've read about floating water moss would this be okay?
Thank you all for your help so far! :D
Most floating plants grow quite quickly so trimming may be necessary. I reccomend hornwort.
I have had no trouble getting female gourami's from my LFS. Even pets at home have them. I currently have 5 females who all get on fine, I have a java fern on wood suckered to the tank towards the top one or two hide there the others all swim around the tank, wreck my plants and generally loving life.
I have 5 honey gouramis in a 50 gal/ 190 liters, 2 males and 3 females.  They all do great together, the larger males was a little aggressive recently as they were just breeding (I have little fry hatching in another tank as we speak) but most of the time they all get along great!  I also have 9 celestial pearl danios in the same tank and they don't bother them at all.  I did have 9 black neon tetras and they were also very compatible together.  The tetras succumbed to ich but my honey gouramis seem compatible with each other and the other tank mates.  My tank has lots of hiding spaces and "territory" so they can get away from each other but they seem to prefer to run in groups, in my tank that is.

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