How Many Bristlnose Can I Keep In My Aquarium?


Mostly New Member
Jul 10, 2013
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Hi guys i was just wanting to know how many bristlenose could i keep with other community tank fish.

My tank is 200L
I'd normally stick with a pair, male and female, what I have in my 200L and they get on like a house on fire, spawning all the time.
Long as there are plenty of hiding spots so they cannot get territorial over a particular cave or piece of bogwood.
But I think anymore than two wouldn't leave much floor space once fully grown.
You can even do a trio- 1 m and 2 fm. I would avoid 2 males though although the space is probably ok for that if you put in 3 caves- one near left and right ends and one near the center. That will let them each have a territory and cave to claim. Just bear in mind they are poop factories and should be over weighted when adding up your total fish load in a tank.
Also bear in mind, other territorial bottom dwelling species can have fallings out with them too, not just their own kind. One mistake I made was having a Featherfin Catfish in with my fully grown male - out of every hiding spot in the tank, they both wanted the same one..
Hmm I already have 2 females it would be nice to see a male in there.

Will the filter handle it? It can filter 2200L/hr my tank is only 200L
It should. My point was just to be sure you know they are messy fish so they which means you have to consider this in the overall stocking plan. You could add a dozen tetras and produce less waste was my point :)

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