I bought 4 Black Phantom Tetras (3 female, 1 male) 4 days ago now and they still haven't settled down as much as I'd hoped. They are in a bare quarantine tank with two artificial plants, filter and a heater. Temp is 24oC. Filter is cycled and ammonia and nitrite both came back as zero. And yes I dechlorinated the water . I feed them once a day on a small amount of aquarian flakes.
It's been a while since I've had new fish and these guys have been spending some of their time swimming rapidly up and down the length of the tank with a slight tilt. Also their colours are pretty faded.
I'm sure they are just stressed, but how long will they take to settle down? And is the tilting thing anything to be concerned about?
It's been a while since I've had new fish and these guys have been spending some of their time swimming rapidly up and down the length of the tank with a slight tilt. Also their colours are pretty faded.
I'm sure they are just stressed, but how long will they take to settle down? And is the tilting thing anything to be concerned about?