How Long Does A Moss Wall Take To Fully Flourish And Take Up The Whole


Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I wanted to make a moss wall in the back wall of my tank. i was wondering how long it takes for the full wall to be covered in moss? Which moss looks the best and is affordable?
Depends massively on the amount of light it gets and or ferts, java moss and christmas moss is good for super gluing to stuff is easy to care for and in the right conditions can grow very quickly, I put a little moss tunnel in my nano about a month or 2 back and I've just given it it's first trim, with ferts and better lighting I think it would have taken a lot less time. :)
You need a good flow of water around the moss as well as light. Peacock moss is probably the best option as it fans out(with the right conditions obv)

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