How Is This For 30 Gallon Stocking?


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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i haven't done it yet but these are the new fish i want to get sometime in the near future. 6 albino corys, a male and female blue ram and 3 gouramis of some sort. i might also get some kind of small pleco. so tell me what you think and if i'm doing anything wrong. thanks!
I don't know much about most of the fish you mentioned, but I'd get a shoal of cories instead of a pleco. I have been told only clown plecos are small enough for that size tank, and though they do eat algae, they turn it into waste and are incredibly messy, and can also be aggressive.
what i've herd about corys is that i should have 6 or more in the tank. i would get more but i'm only 15 and don't really have a job. :)
Yes, you should...But Fideo has been alone for a long time now...Not ideal, but not deadly either...
IMO, your stocking should be fine. 6 is an adequate shoal size for your cories and a single Pleco wouldn't add too much waste.
Yeah. I was think maybe an albino BN pleco. I've had one of those in that tank before. It hardly made any waist at all. :p
az9 said:
Yeah. I was think maybe an albino BN pleco. I've had one of those in that tank before. It hardly made any waist at all.
Ah, don't get me wrong, Plecos do make a lot of waste relative to there size. All I'm saying is that 1 shouldn't be too hard to handle in that tank size with regular water changes.

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