How do I fix my betta?


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Hi :) As much as I hate buying fish at wal*mart, I had to buy the sweet little girl betta that I found there. I had been looking for one for my community tank, & thats pretty much the only place I can find them, & this one acted like it was alive ;)

When I took her home, I noticed 'stuff' on her head. It looks like algae, & it covers from her nose to a little before her gills. I think I read somewhere about a fungus (or something) that algae can grow on, would this be that or could it be something else?

It's been around a month now, & she's doing great, actively swimming around & eating well. I have tried Wardley's Complete Remedy and Jungle Fungus Eliminator, & it doesnt seem to be working. Maybe a little bit, but that could be my imagination...

Does anyone have any advice?
2 of my sickies have it... but mine are from rubbing up against things... its like a cut... on mine, the white stuff is like a scab.. so its healing..

not sure if yours is this or if yours really is fungus....

if the fungus eliminator didnt get rid of it its probably not fungus, cause that stuff works pretty well... try adding some salt... ? :S
Hi abe :)

It sounds like your betta probably has a bacterial infection, Columnaris, which is often mistaken for a fungus. It might also have a secondary infection of Aeromonas. These bacteria are always present in an aquarium, but only take hold when the fish is under stressful conditions. This is why so many new bettas are stricken with it.

I suggest using KanaPlex by Seachem or a combination of Maracyn AND Maracyn2 to cure it.

While treating it, keep the temperature at no higher than 75 degrees and make sure the water has plenty of oxygen by adding an airstone, if possible.

To prevent this common betta problem, make sure that your tank is always filled with plenty of clean fresh water and that the gravel is vacuumed regularly.

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